Intimate Feelings
By you, I mean the you who, as a professional, will love the experience for its smarts. For its effectiveness in the market. For having sound strateg.
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Wedding Stories
8 Ottobre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Rinvio pregiudiziale in Cassazione e in Corte di giustizia e disapplicazione di un atto amministrativo contrario al diritto UE. Il caso del d.m. paesi di origine sicura
2 Ottobre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Charting the Path: Administrative and Judicial Remedies Available to Third Parties under the Foreign Subsidies Regulation
27 Settembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Protection of Fundamental Rights Between Constitutional Courts and Court of Justice: the Italian Case
18 Settembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
This Chapter is Closed, but the Saga Continues: MEDEL and Others v. Council of the European Union
17 Settembre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
Filtering Appeals Over Decisions Originally Taken By Boards Of Appeal: Rationale, Impact And Potential Evolution Of Article 58A Of The CJEU Statute
17 Settembre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
Third Parties’ Intervention before the Boards of Appeal
1 Settembre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale