Amicus curiae at the EU Court of Justice: some thoughts for the opening of the Kirchberg doors
L’amicus curiae presso la Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea: qualche riflessione per l’apertura delle porte del Kirchberg
L‘amicus curiae à la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne: quelques réflexions pour l’ouverture des portes du Kirchberg
The rules of the proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union do not provide for the possibility of participation of persons as amicus curiae. Kirchberg’s closure of this figure is accompanied by rather restrictive rules on intervention for persons other than states and institutions, as prescribed by Art. 40 Statute.
In the procedural rules of the Union (and not only there) it is possible, however, to observe a number of elements that testify to a certain ‘nostalgia’ for this figure. Practice, moreover, shows that intervention has sometimes been used by associations representing diffuse interests in such a way as to enable them to perform an amicus curiae function, albeit within the narrow limits of this institution. This contribution aims to trace these elements and then outline the reasons for the appropriateness of the inclusion of amicus curiae at the CJEU.