Third Parties’ Intervention in Direct Actions Before the EU Judge: selected issues
L’intervento di terzi nei ricorsi diretti dinanzi al giudice dell’unione: questioni scelte
L’intervention de tiers dans les recours directs devant le juge de l’Union : questions choisies
This contribution concerns third parties’ intervention in direct actions brought before the EU Judicature by public and/or private parties.
After a short presentation of the notion of parties in the framework of EU procedural law, the analysis focuses, first, on the rationale and main characteristics of the intervention of third parties in direct actions, secondly, on certain shortcomings and criticisms of the intervention regime in force and, thirdly, on the issue, which is the subject of recent and complex case-law, of the status of the third party admitted to appeal in the proceedings before the General Court following the annulment of the first instance judgment and the referral of the case back to the latter.
Finally, by way of conclusions, the possibility that potentially interested private parties are granted wider scope for intervening in the proceedings will be envisaged.