A (potential) conversation between the EU and the Italian legal system. The «pilot case» and the preliminary reference before the Italian Supreme Court

Un (possibile) dialogo tra l’ordinamento dell’Unione e quello nazionale. Le «cause pilota» e il rinvio pregiudiziale avanti la Corte di cassazione

Un (possible) dialogue entre l’UE et le système juridique italien. Les «affaires pilotes» et le mécanisme préjudiciel devant la Cour de cassation italienne


Abstract  ENG | ITA | FRA

The essay deals with the features of the new «pilot case» introduced with the reform of the RP of the GC and its potential application in relationship with the preliminary reference before the Italian Supreme Court governed by Article 363-bis of the Italian Code of Civil Procedure, introduced by the Legislative Decree No. 149 of October 10, 2022. The essay also addresses the application prerequisites of the new provisions both under an Italian and European perspective.