The Competitive Awarding of Italian Beaches. Reflections Starting from the Judgment of “TAR Lecce” No. 1223/2023
L’affidamento competitivo delle spiagge italiane. Riflessioni a partire dalla sentenza del TAR Lecce n. 1223/2023
L’adjudication compétitive des plages italiennes. Réflexions à partir de la décision du “TAR Lecce” n° 1223/2023
The present judgment provides a precious opportunity to delve into certain critical elements that have emerged in the recent case-law concerning the awarding of beach concessions. In particular, the paper focuses on the not always fruitful outcomes of the dialogue between national and EU courts with regard to the concrete application of the Services Directive in the Italian seaside market, and then makes some broader reflections on the legal framework that should regulate the management of Italian coast in accordance with the Treaties.