The feasibility of the cohabitation between disapplication and the question of constitutional legitimacy after judgment no. 15 of 2024 of the Italian Constitutional Court
La possibile convivenza tra disapplicazione e questione di legittimità costituzionale dopo la sentenza n. 15 del 2024 del giudice delle leggi
La cohabitation possible de la désapplication et de la question de constitutionnalité après l’arrêt n° 15 de 2024 de la Cour Constitutionnelle italienne
The «dual model», which sees the combination of the question of constitutional legitimacy on the same law disapplied for being in conflict with an EU provision, finds its first application by the Constitutional Court in its judgment 15/2024, due to the peculiarities of the anti-discrimination action at its origin. The suitability of this model to reconcile the primacy of supranational law and the principle of legal certainty inherent in the centralized judgment of constitutionality lead to questions about its possible generalization, extending its application beyond civil anti-discrimination action.