Possible Future Developments of the Legal Framework of the Boards of Appeal: a Short Analysis from the Perspective of the Council of the European Union
Proceedings of the Final conference of the Jean Monnet Module on EU Specialized Judicial Protection ‘Quo vadis, Boards of Appeal?’ 8th-9th February 2024 | University of Ferrara
Contribution to the Roundtable debate on ‘EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal and the future of the EU system of Judicial Protection’
Gli sviluppi dell’inquadramento giuridico delle commissioni di ricorso: una breve analisi dal punto di vista del Consiglio dell’Unione europea
L’évolution possible du cadre juridique des chambres de recours : une brève analyse du point de vue du conseil de l’union européenne
This contribution will be published within the Special Issue on the proceedings of the conference “Quo vadis, Boards of Appeal? The evolution of EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal and the future of the EU system of Judicial Protection”, held at the University of Ferrara on February 8th – 9th 2024, as the closing event to Prof. Jacopo Alberti’s Jean Monnet Module “EU Specialized Judicial Protection”. More specifically, this contribution will be included within the Volume’s third section, which traces the debates developed over the roundtable “EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal and the future of the EU system of Judicial Protection”.