Private Applicants’ Locus Standi before the Boards of Appeal
Proceedings of the Final conference of the Jean Monnet Module on EU Specialized Judicial Protection ‘Quo vadis, Boards of Appeal?’ 8th-9th February 2024 | University of Ferrara
‘Contribution to Horizontal studies on EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal’
La legittimazione ad agire dei privati dinanzi alle commissioni di ricorso
La qualité pour agir des particuliers devant les chambres de recours
The article explores the issue of individuals’ locus standi before EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal. The objective of the paper, pursued through the analysis of the decisions of these bodies, is to verify whether and to what extent the droit au ‘juge’ and the principle of effective judicial protection are, in this peculiar context, effectively satisfied and, consequently, to understand the role of the Boards of Appeal in the judicial system of the European Union.