Member States’ Infringement of EU Law: the Implementation of ECJ Judgments under Article 258 TFEU and Article 260 (2) and (3) TFEU
Infrazioni statali al diritto UE: l’esecuzione delle sentenze “comunitarie” di accertamento e di quelle di condanna
Manquements des Etats Membres au droit de l’UE : l’exécution des arrêts de la Cour de Justice constatant un manquement et des arrêts de manquement en manquement
The paper examines the implementation of judgments of the Court of Justice in the context of infringement proceedings, assessing in particular whether they can be invoked as grounds for enforcement. The Authors conclude that both the judgments establishing the infringement under Article 258 TFEU and those imposing sanctions pursuant to Article 260 (2) and (3) TFEU are not enforceable, arguing that the implementation is de facto carried out on the basis of the principle of loyal cooperation laid down in Article 4 (3) TEU.