The preliminary reference to the Italian Court of Cassation and the one to the Court of Justice and disapplication of an administrative act infringing EU Law. The case of the Ministerial Decree on Safe Countries of origin
Rinvio pregiudiziale in Cassazione e in Corte di giustizia e disapplicazione di un atto amministrativo contrario al diritto UE. Il caso del d.m. paesi di origine sicura.
Le renvoi prejudiciel à la Cour de cassation italienne et celui à la Cour de justice et l’inapplication des actes adiministratifs contraires au droit de l’UE. Le cas du décret ministériel concernant les Pays d’origine sûrs
Inspired by the analysis of some recent judgements refining the notion of “Safe countries of origin”, this article focuses on two issues concerning, on the one side, the relationship between Article 267 TFEU and Article 363 bis of the Italian criminal procedure law, and on the other side, the national judges’ power to disapply an administrative act (i.e. the Ministerial Decree on Safe Countries) that infringes Union law. Concerning the latter, the issue at the heart of the judicial “saga” presented in this contribution can be studied from two different perspectives. The first one, from the standpoint of of domestic law, looks at the disapplication of the Ministerial Decree as an outcome of the ordinary courts’ power to disapply an administrative act under Article 5, Annex E, Law No. 2248/1865. The second one, on the other hand, regards the disapplication as the first and fundamental corollary of the principle of the primacy of EU law.