EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal: victims de leur succès?
Le commissioni di ricorso delle agenzie dell’Unione europea: victimes de leur succès?
Les chambres de recours des agences de l’Union européenne: victimes de leur succès?
This contribution summarises the main findings of the studies published in the Special Volume ‘Quo vadis, Boards of Appeal? The Evolution of EU Agencies‘ Boards of Appeal and the Future of the EU System of Judicial Protection’. In particular, it highlights the degree of homogeneity between the decisions of the Boards of Appeal and the case-law of the Court of Justice (as well as the reasons why this result is not as positive as it seems); the interpretation given by the Boards of Appeal to Aquind; the changes that should be made to the Board model to remain up to date and rise to the new challenges arising from Aquind and the reforms of the CJEU Statute. A brief agenda for future research is finally provided.