The Court of Cassation Rules on the Preliminary Ruling on Safe Countries of Origin Pursuant to Art. 363 bis c.p.c.

Corte cass., I sez. civile, 19 dicembre 2024, sentenza n. 33398

La Corte di Cassazione si pronuncia sul rinvio pregiudiziale, ex art. 363 bis c.p.c., in tema di Paesi di origine sicura

La Cour de cassation se prononce sur la question préjudicielle des pays d’origine sûrs en vertu de l’art. 363 bis c.p.c.

Abstract ITA | ENG | FRA

On December 19, 2024, the Italian Court of Cassation ruled on the preliminary ruling on Safe Countries of Origin pursuant to Art. 363 bis code of civil procedure. The paper analyses the content of the judgment in light of the principles established by the Court of Justice in Case C-406/22.