17 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
The “Infringement-Saving” Decree Does Not Stop the Non-Application of Extensions: Commentary on RAC Liguria, Judgment of 14 December 2024, No. 869, Concerning State-Owned Maritime Concessions
Andrea CircoloResearcher in European Union Law, University of Naples Federico II
Annotations,Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
17 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Safe Countries, Judicial Review, and Exceptions: Two Rulings from the Court of Cassation Awaiting the Court of Justice
Giulia MentastiPost-doc research fellow in Criminal Law, University of Milan
Annotations,Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
7 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
The non application of the sanction in Italian law after the NE judgement: a new case of double preliminary question?
Miriana LanottePostdoctoral Research Fellow in European Union Law at the University of Bologna
Annotations,Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
23 November 2024   Issue: 3/2024
Judgment No. 181 of 2024 of the Constituional Court: a turn in the relationship between the Italian legal order and EU Law?
Samuele BarbieriResearch Fellow in European Union Law,
University of Ferrara
Annotations,Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
29 October 2024   Issue: 3/2024
The Application of the Prohibition of Abusive Practices, as a General Principle of EU Law, is not Subject to the Transposition of Specific Anti-abuse Provisions
Francesca CapotortiJudge, Court of Busto Arsizio
Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
11 July 2024   Issue: 2/2024
The compliance of European Treaties with the Polish Constitution: a controversial ruling by the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland
Enrico VerdoliniPost-doc research fellow in Constitutional Law, Scuola Sant’Anna di Pisa
Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
12 January 2024   Issue: 1/2024
Article 99(3) c.p.a. between Constraint and Persuasion. Considerations Based on a Recent Judgment of the Regional Administrative Court of Lecce on beach concessions
Chiara FelizianiAssociate Professor of Administrative Law, University of Macerata
Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
2 December 2023   Issue: 2/2023
Protection of the Financial Interests of the Union and Direct Effect in Malam Partem in Criminal Matters: a New Romanian Run for the Taricco Saga?
Pier Francesco BrescianiPost-doc research fellow in Constitutional Law, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna
Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts