Interim measuresA cura di Paolo Piva, Massimo Orzan The Vivendi “saga”: The Impact of Procedural Law on the Conditions to Grant Interim Measures and on the Delimitation of their Effects31 December 2024   Issue: 3/2024 Riccardo TorresanMember of the Legal Service, Single Resolution Board In medio stat virtus: the Court of justice between the adversarial principle and the need for speed3 July 2024   Issue: 2/2024 Edda SavoldelliPhD Candidate in European Union Law, University of Milan The consequences of removing a case in the main proceedings on the penalties adopted by the judge hearing an application for interim measures on the basis of Article 279 TFEU18 June 2024   Issue: 2/2024 Massimo Francesco OrzanLegal Secretary, General Court of the European Union Interim Relief Towards Individuals Interested by Restrictive Measures: An Effective Judicial Protection within the Framework of Interim Proceedings. The Mazepin Case29 January 2024   Issue: 1/2024 Anna PauPostdoctoral Research Fellow (EU Law), Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna Interim measures in EU public procurement litigation: the easing of the condition relating to urgency applies until the conclusion of the contract26 July 2023   Issue: 1/2023 Michele LaterzaAvvocato, dottore di ricerca in Diritto dell’Unione europea Interim protection, appeal procedure, and opposition to the default judgment, between autonomy of different actions and mutual influences18 July 2023   Issue: 1/2023 Riccardo TorresanMember of the Legal Service, Single Resolution Board Articles Nothing found.