Le ricadute nell’ordinamento italiano della sentenza della Corte di giustizia sui Paesi sicuri: la via della disapplicazione
26 Novembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
La strana figura della sospensione impropria del processo amministrativo: o “per intercettazione” di questioni già devolute alla Corte
29 Ottobre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal: victimes de leur succès?
23 Ottobre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
A Call for a New Approach in the Study (and Management) of EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal
22 Ottobre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
Filtra per argomenti
Iscrizione alla Newsletter
Le ricadute nell’ordinamento italiano della sentenza della Corte di giustizia sui Paesi sicuri: la via della disapplicazione
26 Novembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
La strana figura della sospensione impropria del processo amministrativo: o “per intercettazione” di questioni già devolute alla Corte
29 Ottobre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal: victimes de leur succès?
23 Ottobre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
A Call for a New Approach in the Study (and Management) of EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal
22 Ottobre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
Filtra per argomenti
Iscrizione alla Newsletter
Novità dalle rubriche
La Corte di giustizia si pronuncia, una volta ancora, su primato, effetto diretto e ordinamento romeno
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Alea iacta est! Trasferite al Tribunale le prime cause pregiudiziali
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
The European Union can Lawfully Prohibit the Provision of Certain Legal Services to Russian Entities
1 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Pronti, partenza, via! Il Tribunale adotta le decisioni necessarie a garantire il funzionamento della recente riforma dello Statuto della Corte di giustizia UE
26 Novembre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
La sentenza n. 181 del 2024 della Corte costituzionale: una svolta nei rapporti tra ordinamento italiano e diritto dell’Unione europea?
23 Novembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
L’anonimizzazione delle cause pregiudiziali: brevi considerazioni sulle prime applicazioni della nuova disciplina
23 Luglio 2024   Fascicolo: 2/2024
Arbitrato e rinvio pregiudiziale: un altro rifiuto della Corte di giustizia. Una strada senza uscita?
15 Luglio 2024   Fascicolo: 2/2024
Il controllo di sussidiarietà delle norme europee aperto anche alle minoranze di (alcuni) parlamenti nazionali: quali conseguenze?
14 Novembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
This Chapter is Closed, but the Saga Continues: MEDEL and Others v. Council of the European Union
18 Settembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Joint and Several Liability for Unlawful Data Processing: Relieving the Claimant from Procedural Hurdles in an Action for Damages
13 Maggio 2024   Fascicolo: 2/2024
In medio stat virtus: la Corte di giustizia tra garanzia del contraddittorio e esigenze di celerità
3 Luglio 2024   Fascicolo: 2/2024
Le conseguenze di una cancellazione dal ruolo di un ricorso principale sulle penalità adottate dal giudice cautelare ai sensi dell’art. 279 TFUE
18 Giugno 2024   Fascicolo: 2/2024
La Corte di giustizia si pronuncia, una volta ancora, su primato, effetto diretto e ordinamento romeno
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
La sentenza n. 181 del 2024 della Corte costituzionale: una svolta nei rapporti tra ordinamento italiano e diritto dell’Unione europea?
23 Novembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Divieto di circolazione sull’autostrada del Brennero: l’Italia presenta ricorso in Corte di giustizia e la Commissione interviene a sostegno
14 Novembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Il nuovo decreto legge c.d. salva-infrazioni: quali e quanti “benefici” rispetto allo stato attuale di conformità dell’ordinamento nazionale al diritto UE
29 Ottobre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
The European Union can Lawfully Prohibit the Provision of Certain Legal Services to Russian Entities
1 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Giorno dopo giorno: ulteriori sviluppi su mandato d’arresto europeo e tutela dei diritti fondamentali nella sentenza Breian della Corte di giustizia
22 Ottobre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Alea iacta est! Trasferite al Tribunale le prime cause pregiudiziali
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
Pronti, partenza, via! Il Tribunale adotta le decisioni necessarie a garantire il funzionamento della recente riforma dello Statuto della Corte di giustizia UE
26 Novembre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
T. MATERNE, La procédure en manquement d’État : Guide pratique
5 Giugno 2024   Fascicolo: 2/2024
Classic Trading
Brokerage & Trading
Our strategy is to acquire properties in both established and transitioning areas that show potential for repositioning.
Investment Banking
We are driven by passion, accuracy and speed in servicing our clients in order to provide them with best in class available services.
Contracts & Research
In order to satisfy the growing complexity of the market, we continuously offer and implement innovative financial researches.
Experienced broker of choice for leading international and domestic investors seeking the in class expertise.
Your goals are unique, so your investment guidance should be too. We take the time to listen and understand what matters most to you before helping you develop and manage your investment strategy. We offer a broad range of products and services to help you.
The leading independent trusted advisor for sourcing, and executing and capital market transactions.
We offer a broad range of products and services to help you pursue your financial goals, and we can help you choose the right approach. Your goals are unique, so your investment guidance should be too. We take the time to listen and understand your investment strategy.
Happy Clients
Investment is an asset or item that is purchased that it will generate income or appreciate in the future.
J.P. Morgan — Senior Partner & CEO
Latest News
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
La Corte di giustizia si pronuncia, una volta ancora, su primato, effetto diretto e ordinamento romeno
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
Alea iacta est! Trasferite al Tribunale le prime cause pregiudiziali
1 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
The European Union can Lawfully Prohibit the Provision of Certain Legal Services to Russian Entities
Classic Saas Pyx1
La Corte di giustizia si pronuncia, una volta ancora, su primato, effetto diretto e ordinamento romeno
Rapporti tra supreme magistrature nazionali e CGUE
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Alea iacta est! Trasferite al Tribunale le prime cause pregiudiziali
Il “cantiere” della giurisdizione dell’UE,Fascicolo Speciale
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
Classic Lawyer
Law Firm
We’re in this together. Helping good people do good things.
Charles Hughes
Lead Attorney
Los Angeles
15 Beverly Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90006
+1 213 741 1151
San Francisco
347 Westifield Center
San Francisco, CA 94143
+1 415 565 0545
Don't be ashamed of your story and hide you, it will inspire.
— Louis D. Brandeis
Fighting corruption is not good governance but patriotism.
— Patricia Highsmith
Being able to be repeated controllably is crucial in risk.
— Sebastian Junger
I only know it takes weeks to recover, don't risk.
— Brooke Langton
The older you get, the more it costs. Sadly it's totally true.
— Andy Andrews
Let's build a lasting legacy together.
Our team includes attorneys with years of experience handling cases throughout courtrooms in the States.
In the field of Web design and development, we’re quickly getting to the point of being unable to keep up with the endless new resolutions and devices. For many websites, creating a website version for each resolution and new device would be impossible, or at least impractical.
In the field of Web design and development, we’re quickly getting to the point of being unable to keep up with the endless new resolutions and devices. For many websites, creating a website version for each resolution and new device would be impossible, or at least impractical.
The Firm
Goals & objectives
Cases Completed
Satisfied Customers
Awards Winning
Qualified Lawyers
La Corte di giustizia si pronuncia, una volta ancora, su primato, effetto diretto e ordinamento romeno
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Alea iacta est! Trasferite al Tribunale le prime cause pregiudiziali
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
The European Union can Lawfully Prohibit the Provision of Certain Legal Services to Russian Entities
1 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Classic Lawyer
Law Firm
We’re in this together. Helping good people do good things.
Charles Hughes
Lead Attorney
Los Angeles
15 Beverly Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90006
+1 213 741 1151
San Francisco
347 Westifield Center
San Francisco, CA 94143
+1 415 565 0545
Don't be ashamed of your story and hide you, it will inspire.
— Louis D. Brandeis
Fighting corruption is not good governance but patriotism.
— Patricia Highsmith
Being able to be repeated controllably is crucial in risk.
— Sebastian Junger
I only know it takes weeks to recover, don't risk.
— Brooke Langton
The older you get, the more it costs. Sadly it's totally true.
— Andy Andrews
Let's build a lasting legacy together.
Our team includes attorneys with years of experience handling cases throughout courtrooms in the States.
In the field of Web design and development, we’re quickly getting to the point of being unable to keep up with the endless new resolutions and devices. For many websites, creating a website version for each resolution and new device would be impossible, or at least impractical.
In the field of Web design and development, we’re quickly getting to the point of being unable to keep up with the endless new resolutions and devices. For many websites, creating a website version for each resolution and new device would be impossible, or at least impractical.
The Firm
Goals & objectives
Cases Completed
Satisfied Customers
Awards Winning
Qualified Lawyers
La Corte di giustizia si pronuncia, una volta ancora, su primato, effetto diretto e ordinamento romeno
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Alea iacta est! Trasferite al Tribunale le prime cause pregiudiziali
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
The European Union can Lawfully Prohibit the Provision of Certain Legal Services to Russian Entities
1 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Classic Travel (RTL)
استرح واسترح في دبي
دبي هي عاصمة إحدى الإمارات السبع التي تشكل دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. تقع جنوب الخليج العربي في شبه الجزيرة العربية.
عدد المشاهدات
دبي هي عاصمة إحدى الإمارات السبع التي تشكل دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. تقع جنوب الخليج العربي في شبه الجزيرة العربية.
دبي هي عاصمة إحدى الإمارات السبع التي تشكل دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. تقع جنوب الخليج العربي في شبه الجزيرة العربية.
موقف مركزي
دبي هي عاصمة إحدى الإمارات السبع التي تشكل دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. تقع جنوب الخليج العربي في شبه الجزيرة العربية.
مباشرة الى القلب
دبي هي عاصمة إحدى الإمارات السبع التي تشكل دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. تقع جنوب الخليج العربي في شبه الجزيرة العربية.
اكتشف المزيد من خطوط السير
الاشتراك في النشرة الإخبارية لدينا
الاشتراك في النشرة الإخبارية لدينا والبقاء على اطلاع على آخر الأخبار
Classic Firm
From 2005 we build websites that improve your brand through thoughtful strategy, beautiful design, and effective development until creative intuitions and innovative ideas reach reality
Our layout works perfectly on any modern platform, including mobile devices and tablets.
Easily change and tweak your content when you need to, however you want.
We craft digital, graphic and dimensional thinking, to create category leading.
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.Albert Einstein
From the blog
6 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
One Step too Far, One Step too Close. The Rocky Road Towards Defining the Scope of Judicial Review in CFSP Matters in light of KS and KD v Council and others and Neves77 Solutions
6 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
La Corte di giustizia si pronuncia, una volta ancora, su primato, effetto diretto e ordinamento romeno
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
Alea iacta est! Trasferite al Tribunale le prime cause pregiudiziali
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
Ready to start your next web project? Let's build it together
Classic Photographer
Intimate Feelings
By you, I mean the you who, as a professional, will love the experience for its smarts. For its effectiveness in the market. For having sound strateg.
Conception and artistic direction
Makeup artist and hairstylist
Retouching of photos
Digital camera equipment
Filming and editing
Wedding Books
Hardcover books design
Archival quality
Paper options
Wedding Stories
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
La Corte di giustizia si pronuncia, una volta ancora, su primato, effetto diretto e ordinamento romeno
3 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
Alea iacta est! Trasferite al Tribunale le prime cause pregiudiziali
1 Dicembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
The European Union can Lawfully Prohibit the Provision of Certain Legal Services to Russian Entities
26 Novembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Le ricadute nell’ordinamento italiano della sentenza della Corte di giustizia sui Paesi sicuri: la via della disapplicazione
26 Novembre 2024   Fascicolo Speciale
Pronti, partenza, via! Il Tribunale adotta le decisioni necessarie a garantire il funzionamento della recente riforma dello Statuto della Corte di giustizia UE
23 Novembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
La sentenza n. 181 del 2024 della Corte costituzionale: una svolta nei rapporti tra ordinamento italiano e diritto dell’Unione europea?
14 Novembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Il controllo di sussidiarietà delle norme europee aperto anche alle minoranze di (alcuni) parlamenti nazionali: quali conseguenze?
14 Novembre 2024   Fascicolo: 3/2024
Divieto di circolazione sull’autostrada del Brennero: l’Italia presenta ricorso in Corte di giustizia e la Commissione interviene a sostegno
Classic Restaurant
At Uncode Restaurant, we focus on a complete experience. In doing so, we want to highlight the relationship between the raw nature, produce and our cultural history.
Food that restores, and revives.
Located on London, a street that dates back to the 17th century, Uncode is the latest restaurant lounge by Undsgn Group and Chef Christine Bottura.
Our Chef
Christine making his debut in his hometown Chicago, crafts a straight-forward yet progressive menu drawn from his culinary influences from French technique, Asian heritage, and bi-coastal gallivanting. He transforms fresh and, when possible, locally-sourced produce into thoughtful dishes.
Our Sous Chef
Having left a career in the futures brokerage industry, Sofia Jeffrey chose the path of cooking with the aspirations of traveling. However after finishing his studies at the Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago; he set out to first put in time in the best kitchens in Chicago began to hone his skills.
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.Albert Einstein
Menu à la Carte
Grilled Calmari
Salsa Verde yogurt, quinoa, nappa cabbage, beet and fennel salade, pomegranate molasses dressing.
Salmon tartar
Basil sour cream, horseradish oil, marinated radish, kale chips & warm red onion jam.
Beef Burger
Chevre Noir, dill tomato, roasted onion mayo, arugula, Quebec Wagyu’s beef bacon, crispy potato & dijonase.
Demi-poulet de Cornouailles
Portuguese spices rub, radicchio, lentil & aragula salad, goat cheese, whole grain mustard dressing.
Salmon tartar
Basil sour cream, horseradish oil, marinated radish, kale chips & warm red onion jam.
Beef Burger
Chevre Noir, dill tomato, roasted onion mayo, arugula, Quebec Wagyu’s beef bacon, crispy potato & dijonase.
Demi-poulet de Cornouailles
Portuguese spices rub, radicchio, lentil & aragula salad, goat cheese, whole grain mustard dressing.
Grilled Calmari
Salsa Verde yogurt, quinoa, nappa cabbage, beet and fennel salade, pomegranate molasses dressing.
Monday - Saturday
Service 14:00 pm
Monday - Saturday
Service 24:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday
Service 16:00 pm