Litigation within preliminary rulings
A cura di Filippo Croci, Igor Taccani
Litigation in direct actions
A cura di Fabio Spitaleri, Daniele Domenicucci
Litigation generated by pourvois
A cura di Paolo Biavati, Paolo Iannuccelli
Interim measures
A cura di Paolo Piva, Massimo Orzan
Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
A cura di Gian Michele Roberti, Diletta Tega
Infringement proceedings
A cura di Luca Prete, Massimo Urbani
Litigation before EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal
A cura di Jacopo Alberti, Marco Lamandini
Judicial ‘life’ of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
A cura di Ilaria Anrò, Nicole Lazzerini
Procedural issues
A cura di Chiara Amalfitano, Massimo Condinanzi
The reform of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the EU
A cura di Chiara Amalfitano, Massimo Condinanzi
Book Reviews
A cura di Camilla Burelli e Maria Cristina Bottino
News from the Sections
Judicial protection of individuals judged in absentia under EU law in the Stangalov judgment: A (partially) missed opportunity?
5 March 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Judicial ‘life’ of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Marta RamatPhD student in EU Law at Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
“Dual Preliminarity” in Criminal Matters: the Judge Remains Free to Disapply Disproportionate Penalties (but the Court Would Rather Not)
25 February 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
Pier Francesco BrescianiPost-doc research fellow in Constitutional Law, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna
Centralized Judicial Review and Double Preliminary Ruling With a Systematic Impact in Constitutional Matters
21 February 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Comments,Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
Beatrice SboroPhD Student in Constitutional Law, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
Trenitalia and Caronte & Tourist: is it really the end of the story?
19 February 2025   Issue: 1/2025
The Judgment Banca Popolare di Bari SpA. c. European Commission: brief considerations on the limitation period in the framework of the action for damages against the Union
9 February 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Litigation in direct actions
Federico FerriResearcher in European Union Law, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
Nemo judex in causa sua…or is it possible? The Court rules on the requirement of impartiality of national judges
2 February 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Judicial ‘life’ of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Alessandra FaviDocente a contratto in Diritto dell'Unione europea, Università degli Studi di Firenze
Some Considerations on the Reform of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Light of its Negotiation. Et quo, hinc?
28 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Articles,The reform of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the EU
Michela AngeliDeputy legal adviser to the Permanent Representation of Italy to the European Union
The Scope of the Reasoning in Case of Exception to the Obligation to Refer Questions for a Preliminary Ruling: Remarks on the Order for Reference in Case C-767/23, Remlin
27 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Litigation within preliminary rulings
Martina PreviatelloPost-Doc research fellow in EU Law, University of Trieste
The Protection of Procedural Rights in the Context of the European Arrest Warrant: Challenges and Limits in Judicial Cooperation with the United Kingdom Post-Brexit
20 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Judicial ‘life’ of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Benedetta MinucciPost-doc research fellow in EU Law, University of Naples
The “Infringement-Saving” Decree Does Not Stop the Non-Application of Extensions: Commentary on RAC Liguria, Judgment of 14 December 2024, No. 869, Concerning State-Owned Maritime Concessions
17 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
Andrea CircoloResearcher in European Union Law, University of Naples Federico II
Safe Countries, Judicial Review, and Exceptions: Two Rulings from the Court of Cassation Awaiting the Court of Justice
17 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
Giulia MentastiPost-doc research fellow in Criminal Law, University of Milan
The non application of the sanction in Italian law after the NE judgement: a new case of double preliminary question?
7 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
Miriana LanottePostdoctoral Research Fellow in European Union Law at the University of Bologna
A New Form for Applications for Free Legal Aid in Direct Actions before the General Court
11 December 2024   Issue: 3/2024
One Step too Far, One Step too Close. The Rocky Road Towards Defining the Scope of Judicial Review in CFSP Matters in light of KS and KD v Council and Others and Neves77 Solutions
6 December 2024   Issue: 3/2024
Articles,Litigation in direct actions
Lorenzo GrossioPostdoctoral Research Fellow in European Union Law, University of Turin
The Implications for the Italian legal System of the Court of Justice’s Judgment on Safe Countries: the Way of Disapplication
26 November 2024   Issue: 3/2024
Judicial ‘life’ of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Marcella FerriResearcher in European Union Law, University of Florence
Ready, Set, Go! The General Court Adopts the Necessary Decisions to Guarantee the Functioning of the Recent Reform of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union
26 November 2024   Special Issue
The reform of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the EU,Special Issue
Massimo Francesco OrzanLegal Secretary, General Court of the European Union
Judgment No. 181 of 2024 of the Constituional Court: a turn in the relationship between the Italian legal order and EU Law?
23 November 2024   Issue: 3/2024
Annotations,Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
Samuele BarbieriResearch Fellow in European Union Law,
University of Ferrara
Subsidiarity Control of European Rules also Open to Minorities in (Some) National Parliaments: What Consequences?
14 November 2024   Issue: 3/2024
Review of technical discretion and duty to state reasons of the Boards of appeal of EU agencies: novelties, opportunities and criticalities after Aquind and TenneT TS
12 November 2024   Issue: 3/2024
Litigation before EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal
Carlo TovoResearcher in European Union Law, Alma mater studiorum University of Bologna
Litigation within preliminary rulings
A cura di Filippo Croci, Igor Taccani
Litigation in direct actions
A cura di Fabio Spitaleri, Daniele Domenicucci
Litigation generated by pourvois
A cura di Paolo Biavati, Massimo Condinanzi
Interim measures
A cura di Paolo Piva, Massimo Orzan
Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
A cura di Gian Michele Roberti, Diletta Tega
Infringement proceedings
A cura di Luca Prete, Massimo Urbani
Litigation before EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal
A cura di Jacopo Alberti, Marco Lamandini
Judicial ‘life’ of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
A cura di Ilaria Anrò, Nicole Lazzerini
Procedural issues
A cura di Chiara Amalfitano, Massimo Condinanzi
The reform of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the EU
A cura di Chiara Amalfitano, Massimo Condinanzi
Book Reviews
A cura di Camilla Burelli e Maria Cristina Bottino
News from the Sections
Judicial protection of individuals judged in absentia under EU law in the Stangalov judgment: A (partially) missed opportunity?
5 March 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Judicial ‘life’ of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Marta RamatPhD student in EU Law at Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
“Dual Preliminarity” in Criminal Matters: the Judge Remains Free to Disapply Disproportionate Penalties (but the Court Would Rather Not)
25 February 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
Pier Francesco BrescianiPost-doc research fellow in Constitutional Law, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna
Centralized Judicial Review and Double Preliminary Ruling With a Systematic Impact in Constitutional Matters
21 February 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Comments,Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
Beatrice SboroPhD Student in Constitutional Law, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
Trenitalia and Caronte & Tourist: is it really the end of the story?
19 February 2025   Issue: 1/2025
The Judgment Banca Popolare di Bari SpA. c. European Commission: brief considerations on the limitation period in the framework of the action for damages against the Union
9 February 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Litigation in direct actions
Federico FerriResearcher in European Union Law, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
Nemo judex in causa sua…or is it possible? The Court rules on the requirement of impartiality of national judges
2 February 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Judicial ‘life’ of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Alessandra FaviDocente a contratto in Diritto dell'Unione europea, Università degli Studi di Firenze
Some Considerations on the Reform of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Light of its Negotiation. Et quo, hinc?
28 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Articles,The reform of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the EU
Michela AngeliDeputy legal adviser to the Permanent Representation of Italy to the European Union
The Scope of the Reasoning in Case of Exception to the Obligation to Refer Questions for a Preliminary Ruling: Remarks on the Order for Reference in Case C-767/23, Remlin
27 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Litigation within preliminary rulings
Martina PreviatelloPost-Doc research fellow in EU Law, University of Trieste
The Protection of Procedural Rights in the Context of the European Arrest Warrant: Challenges and Limits in Judicial Cooperation with the United Kingdom Post-Brexit
20 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Judicial ‘life’ of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Benedetta MinucciPost-doc research fellow in EU Law, University of Naples
The “Infringement-Saving” Decree Does Not Stop the Non-Application of Extensions: Commentary on RAC Liguria, Judgment of 14 December 2024, No. 869, Concerning State-Owned Maritime Concessions
17 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
Andrea CircoloResearcher in European Union Law, University of Naples Federico II
Safe Countries, Judicial Review, and Exceptions: Two Rulings from the Court of Cassation Awaiting the Court of Justice
17 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
Giulia MentastiPost-doc research fellow in Criminal Law, University of Milan
The non application of the sanction in Italian law after the NE judgement: a new case of double preliminary question?
7 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Annotations,Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
Miriana LanottePostdoctoral Research Fellow in European Union Law at the University of Bologna
A New Form for Applications for Free Legal Aid in Direct Actions before the General Court
11 December 2024   Issue: 3/2024
One Step too Far, One Step too Close. The Rocky Road Towards Defining the Scope of Judicial Review in CFSP Matters in light of KS and KD v Council and Others and Neves77 Solutions
6 December 2024   Issue: 3/2024
Articles,Litigation in direct actions
Lorenzo GrossioPostdoctoral Research Fellow in European Union Law, University of Turin
The Implications for the Italian legal System of the Court of Justice’s Judgment on Safe Countries: the Way of Disapplication
26 November 2024   Issue: 3/2024
Judicial ‘life’ of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Marcella FerriResearcher in European Union Law, University of Florence
Ready, Set, Go! The General Court Adopts the Necessary Decisions to Guarantee the Functioning of the Recent Reform of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union
26 November 2024   Special Issue
The reform of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the EU,Special Issue
Massimo Francesco OrzanLegal Secretary, General Court of the European Union
Judgment No. 181 of 2024 of the Constituional Court: a turn in the relationship between the Italian legal order and EU Law?
23 November 2024   Issue: 3/2024
Annotations,Relations between supreme national courts and European Courts
Samuele BarbieriResearch Fellow in European Union Law,
University of Ferrara
Subsidiarity Control of European Rules also Open to Minorities in (Some) National Parliaments: What Consequences?
14 November 2024   Issue: 3/2024
Review of technical discretion and duty to state reasons of the Boards of appeal of EU agencies: novelties, opportunities and criticalities after Aquind and TenneT TS
12 November 2024   Issue: 3/2024
Litigation before EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal
Carlo TovoResearcher in European Union Law, Alma mater studiorum University of Bologna