One Step too Far, One Step too Close. The Rocky Road Towards Defining the Scope of Judicial Review in CFSP Matters in light of KS and KD v Council and Others and Neves77 Solutions
6 December 2024   Issue: 3/2024
Lorenzo GrossioPostdoctoral Research Fellow in European Union Law, University of Turin
EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal: victims de leur succès?
23 October 2024   Special Issue
Jacopo AlbertiProfessore associato di Diritto dell’Unione europea, Università degli Studi di Ferrara
The preliminary reference to the Italian Court of Cassation and the one to the Court of Justice and disapplication of an administrative act infringing EU Law. The case of the Ministerial Decree on Safe Countries of origin
8 October 2024   Issue: 3/2024
Marcella ComettiPost-doc research fellow in EU Law, University of Turin
Third Parties’ Intervention before the Boards of Appeal
17 September 2024   Special Issue
Interim Protection before the Boards of Appeal
20 June 2024   Special Issue
Massimo Francesco OrzanLegal Secretary, General Court of the European Union
Procedural Guarantees in Litigation before the Boards of Appeal
7 June 2024   Special Issue
Giulia AgratiPhD Candidate in European Union Law, University of Milan
Private Applicants’ Locus Standi before the Boards of Appeal
21 May 2024   Special Issue
Camilla BurelliAssistant Professor in EU Law, University of Milan
Selected Contemporary Questions from the Activities of the ACER Board of Appeal
14 May 2024   Special Issue
The Board of Appeal of the European Chemicals Agency. Structure and Power of Review
13 May 2024   Special Issue
The Aquind Judgments and their Impact on the Work of the EASA Board of Appel
13 May 2024   Special Issue
Michael Sánchez RydelskiChairman of the EASA Board of Appeal
Functions, Discipline and Perspectives of the EU Pilot System
30 April 2024   Issue: 1/2024
Linda PaglieraniPhD Candidate in European Union Law, University of Milan
Opinion of Advocate General Ćapeta in the Seraing Case
27 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Stefano BastianonFull Professor of EU Law, University of Bergamo
The illusory nature of the right to an effective remedy under Regulation (EU) 2018/1725: remarks on the Bindl v. Commission judgment
4 March 2025   Issue: 1/2025
A Brief Pedagogical Judgment on Issues Relating to the Admissibility of Actions for Annulment
11 February 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Trenitalia and Caronte & Tourist: is it really the end of the story?
19 February 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Ten Years of Infringement Procedures: the Court of Auditors’ Report
14 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Paolo Giuseppe SilvestriPhD Candidte in European Union Law, University of Ferrara
Locus Standi of Private Parties Wishing to Challenge Regulatory Acts: Two Decisions of ACER’s Board of Appeal of 9th December 2022
22 October 2023   Issue: 2/2023
Nothing found.
A New Form for Applications for Free Legal Aid in Direct Actions before the General Court
11 December 2024   Issue: 3/2024
Alea iacta est! Transferred to the General Court The First Preliminary Rulings
3 December 2024   Special Issue
Francesco MarinoPhD Student in EU Law, University of Ferrara
T. MATERNE, La procédure en manquement d’État : Guide pratique
5 June 2024   Issue: 2/2024
E. CIMIOTTA, L’ambito soggettivo di efficacia delle sentenze pregiudiziali della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea
27 May 2024   Issue: 2/2024
The Implications of the Combined reading of Article 9(3) of the Aarhus Convention and Article 47 of the Charter on the right of Environmental Associations to bring Legal Proceedings before National Courts
8 June 2023   Issue: 1/2023
Alessandra FaviDocente a contratto in Diritto dell'Unione europea, Università degli Studi di Firenze
The legitimacy of cities to act before the CJUE
20 June 2023   Issue: 1/2023
Participation in the preliminary ruling proceedings: tertium non datur
18 July 2023   Issue: 1/2023
Massimo CondinanziFull Professor of EU Law, University of Milan
The “steps” of the amendment to protocol No. 3 on the Statute of the Court of justice of the European union
18 July 2023   Issue: 1/2023
The parts and the whole
26 July 2023   Issue: 1/2023
The New Rules Concerning the Publication of EU Acts and the Specificities of the EU Judiciary
11 October 2023   Issue: 2/2023
The Scope of Review of the European Courts
6 November 2023   Issue: 2/2023
Clarifications on the Pre-litigation Phase in Proceedings under Article 260(2) TFEU
24 November 2023   Issue: 2/2023
Maria PatrinPost-doc research fellow in EU Law, University of Florence
A «de minimis» rule for the infringements of the European Union law?
14 December 2023   Issue: 2/2023
Massimo CondinanziFull Professor of EU Law, University of Milan
How to Deter the United Kingdom from Violating EU Law
11 January 2024   Issue: 1/2024
Traffic Ban on the Brennero Motorway: Request to Start a New Infringement Procedure pursuant to Article 259 TFEU
16 February 2024   Issue: 1/2024
Opinion of Advocate General Ćapeta in the Seraing Case
27 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Stefano BastianonFull Professor of EU Law, University of Bergamo
The illusory nature of the right to an effective remedy under Regulation (EU) 2018/1725: remarks on the Bindl v. Commission judgment
4 March 2025   Issue: 1/2025
A Brief Pedagogical Judgment on Issues Relating to the Admissibility of Actions for Annulment
11 February 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Trenitalia and Caronte & Tourist: is it really the end of the story?
19 February 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Ten Years of Infringement Procedures: the Court of Auditors’ Report
14 January 2025   Issue: 1/2025
Paolo Giuseppe SilvestriPhD Candidte in European Union Law, University of Ferrara
Locus Standi of Private Parties Wishing to Challenge Regulatory Acts: Two Decisions of ACER’s Board of Appeal of 9th December 2022
22 October 2023   Issue: 2/2023
Nothing found.
A New Form for Applications for Free Legal Aid in Direct Actions before the General Court
11 December 2024   Issue: 3/2024
Alea iacta est! Transferred to the General Court The First Preliminary Rulings
3 December 2024   Special Issue
Francesco MarinoPhD Student in EU Law, University of Ferrara
T. MATERNE, La procédure en manquement d’État : Guide pratique
5 June 2024   Issue: 2/2024
E. CIMIOTTA, L’ambito soggettivo di efficacia delle sentenze pregiudiziali della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea
27 May 2024   Issue: 2/2024